The Michigan Craft Beverage Council supports the research, growing, crafting, and consuming of Michigan craft beverages. The council evolved out of the Michigan Wine Council as the organization grew to incorporate the promotion of all types of craft beverages grown and produced in Michigan.
The new brand needed to represent and promote an industry that appeals to a wide demographic in both the B-to-B and B-to-C markets. Through several rounds of iteration, a loose barrel graphic surrounding typography that the "craft" sensibility, won the day. The brand mark is flexible enough to promote producers, craftspeople, researchers, and consumers of wine, beer, spirits, and ciders.
As well as producing a set of brand assets, a style guide was developed to help internal staff, as well as outside entities, use and support the brand in a cohesive manner.
Work is the sole property of LKF Marketing | Designed by Jennifer Hauschild in collaboration with Mary Haskins